Spouse mix makes a comment on a particular type of marriage. The type of marriage when one of the people involved just wants to get married to get married and rushes into the commitment without any real feelings for the other person involved. Not only that but it is about how many rush into marriage without considering that it is a lifetime commitment, and that marriage is a partnership in a sense and you have to give it your all. I tried to make this statement clear by creating larger box than normal and one that resembles a cake mix box. It is kind of awesome to thing that there might be a possibility that from a mix one could make a living human being but it is not realistic or likely to happen. On the inside of the box I put different type of metal objects to get a loud sound similar to a crash or something breaking because the type of marriage that I am discussing will fall apart, even at the beginning it would be sort of ruined. I decided to paint my box a light pink everywhere and to paint the front white. To move the white else where on the box I painted white dots on the sides, top, and bottom and left the back pink. The changes in color and the dots being in some places and not others is in relation to the transition ones makes into marriage and how after marriage the transition is complete because of entering into a new life with another person.
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